ॐ वाङ् मे मनसि प्रतिष्ठिता ।
मनो मे वाचि प्रतिष्ठितम् ।
आविराविर्म एधि ।
वेदस्य म आणीस्थः ।
श्रुतं मे मा प्रहासीः ।
अनेनाधीतेनाहोरात्रान्सन्दधामि ।
ऋतं वदिष्यामि ।
सत्यं वदिष्यामि ।
तन्मामवतु ।
तद्वक्तारमवतु ।
अवतु माम् ।
अवतु वक्तारम् ।
अवतु वक्तारम् ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
-ऐत्रेय उपनिषद्
Type-1 English Transliteration of Sanskrit Mantra:
Om Vaanga Me Manasi Pratishtthitaa |
Mano Me Vaachi Pratishtthitaam |
Aavir-Aar-vir-Ma Edhi |
Vedasya Ma Aanniisthah |
Shrutam Me Maa Prahaasiih |
Anena-dhiitena-Ahoraatraan-Sandadhaami |
Ritam Vadisshyaami |
Satyam Vadisshyaami |
Tan-Maam-Avatu |
Tad-Vaktaaram-Avatu |
Avatu Maam |
Avatu Vaktaaram-m |
Avatu Vaktaaram-m |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||
Type-2 English Transliteration of Sanskrit Mantra:
oṃ vāṅg me manasi pratiṣṭhitā।
mano me vāchi pratiṣṭhitam।
āvirāvirma edhi।
vedasya ma āṇīsthaḥ।
śrutaṃ me mā prahāsīḥi
ṛtaṃ vadiṣhyāmi।
satyaṃ vadiṣhyāmi।
avatu mām।
avatu vaktārām
avatu vaktāram॥
oṃ śhāntiḥ śhāntiḥ śhāntiḥ॥
English Translation of Sanskrit stanza:
1: Om, My Speech which is Established in my Mind.
2: My Mind which is Established in my Speech,
3: Manifest, Manifest, may you be,
4: (The Truths) of the Vedas embedded,
5: (The words of the Vedas) heard by me never leave me,
6: By this method, By what has been so studied, I reflect upon them over days and nights,
7: By this, I so speak (about) the Divine Law,
8: By this, I Speak (about) the Truth,
9: May that (Truth) Move Me (i.e. May I be established in that Truth),
10: May that (Truth) Move the Preceptor (i.e. May the Preceptor be established in that Truth),
11: May that (Truth) Protect Me,
12: May that (Truth) Protect the Preceptor,
13: May that (Truth) Protect the Preceptor,
14: Om, let peace prevail.
Hindi translation of the Mantra (हिंदी में मन्त्र).
मेरी वाणी मेरे मन में स्थापित हो जाए,
मेरी वाणी में मेरा मन स्थिर हो जाए,
मुझमें स्वयं प्रकट आत्मा का ज्ञान बढ़े,
वेदों के ज्ञान का अनुभव करने के लिए
मेरे मन और वाणी को आधार बनने दो,
जो है मेरे द्वारा (वेदों से) सुना हुआ केवल एक रूप नहीं है ...
लेकिन दिन-रात अध्ययन करने से जो प्राप्त होता है उसे बनाए रखा जाता है,
इस तरह मैं दिव्य सत्य के बारे में बोलता हूं,
इस तरह परम सत्य के बारे में बोलता हूं,
यह सत्य मेरी रक्षा करे,
यह सत्य गुरु की रक्षा करे (शिक्षक),
यह सत्य मेरी रक्षा करे, जो गुरु (शिक्षक) की रक्षा करे,
यह सत्य गुरु (शिक्षक) की रक्षा करे,
ओम शांतिः! शांतिः! शांतिः!
Note: This Shanti (Peace) invocation appears in the Aitareya Upanishad. This ends with the prayer for protection from the Tapatrayas (Threefold miseries): Adhyatmika (Body, Mind), Adhi Bhautika (Animals, other living Beings) and Adhi Daivika ( Natural calamities like Earthquake, Flood,Tsunami, etc.) - hence the repetition of the word: śhāntiḥ (शांतिः)- 3 times.
Submitted by: ऐत्रेय उपनिषद्
Submitted on: Thu Jun 17 2021 09:03:53 GMT+0530 (IST)
Category: Mantra
Acknowledgements: Ancient Wisdom
Language: संस्कृत/SanskritSearch Tags:
Shanti Mantra,
Aitareya Upanishad,
Mantras for Peace,
Peace chant,
ऐत्रेय उपनिषद् ,
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