श्रियाभिजुष्टस्य गृहस्थधर्मे |
वृद्धो ज्ञातिरवसन्नः कुलीनः
सखा दरिद्रो भगिनी चानपत्या ||
- विदुर नीति
भावार्थ - हे तात ! धन धान्य से भरपूर एक समृद्ध गृहस्थ का
यह कर्तव्य है कि वह इन चार प्रकार के व्यक्तियों को अवश्य शरण
दे - (१) एक वृद्ध बान्धव (रिश्तेदार) (२) एक कुलीन दुःखी व्यक्ति
(३) एक दरिद्र मित्र तथा (४) सन्तानहीन बहन |
Chatvaari te taat gruhe vasantu
Shriyaabhijushasya gruhasthadharme.
Vruddho gyaatiravasannah kuleenah
Sakhaa daridro bhagini chaanapatyaa.
Chatvaari = four. Te = these. Taata = a term of affection
for addressing a senior or junior person, father. Gruhe=
in the household. Vasantu = should reside. Shriya +
abhijushtasya. Shriya = prosperity. Abhijushtasya =
possessed of. Grusthadharme = householder's duty.
Vruddho = aged person. Gyaatih + avasannah. Gyaatih=
a relative. avasannah = distresssed. Kuleena= noble
Sakhaa = a friend. Daridro = poor. Bhaginee = sister.
Cha+ anapatyaa. Anapatyaa= childless.
i.e. It is the duty of a prosperous housholder that he should
support these four types of persons , namely (i) an aged close
relative (ii) a noble distressed person (iii) a poor friend and
(iv) his childless sister.
Submitted by: विदुर नीति
Submitted on: Wed May 5 2021 23:57:01 GMT+0530 (IST)
Category: Quote
Acknowledgements: Excerpt from ancient text.
Language: संस्कृत/Sanskrit
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[category Quote, संस्कृत/Sanskrit, Excerpt from ancient text.]
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