Saturday, 15 July 2023

No three witnessess... -Sri Aurobindo (श्री अरबिंदो)

Rishi Sri Aurobindo

Many things are bad only in the way people look at them. Things which you consider all right, other people call bad; what you think to be bad, others find it quite natural.

As for facts each mind always arranges them in its own way. It is a well-known phenomenon which psychologists constantly emphasize that each mind arranges facts according to its own impressions, predilections, convenience and, while this may be partly done with a conscious twist, conscious omissions and additions, it is quite or as often and more often done without any wilful intentions and by a sort of subconscious selection in the mental hinterland. That is why no three witnesses of an incident can give the same account of it - unless of course they have talked it over together - each tells a different story.
Submitted by: Sri Aurobindo (श्री अरबिंदो)
Submitted on: Fri Jun 30 2023 22:01:19 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
Category: Quote
Acknowledgements: Rishi Sri Aurobindo
Language: English
Search Tags: Psychology of Man. Sri Aurobindo Quotes.
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[category Quote, English, Rishi Sri Aurobindo]

Friday, 14 July 2023

On Waste and the Wealth-Power -Sri Aurobindo (श्री अरबिंदो)

Rishi Sri Aurobindo

Wanton waste, careless spoiling of physical things in an incredibly short time, loose disorder, misuse of service and materials due either to vital grasping or to tamasic inertia are baneful to prosperity and tend to drive away or discourage the Wealth-Power. These things have long been rampant in the society and, if that continues, an increase in our means might well mean a proportionate increase in the wastage and disorder and neutralise the material advantage. This must be remedied of there is to be any sound progress.

Asceticism for its own sake is not the ideal of this Yoga, but self-control in the vital and right order in the material are a very important part of it and even an ascetic discipline is better for our purpose than a loose absence of true control. Mastery of the material does not mean having plenty and profusely throwing it out or spoiling it as fast as it comes or faster. Mastery implies in it the right and careful utilisation of things and also a self-control in their use.
Submitted by: Sri Aurobindo (श्री अरबिंदो)
Submitted on: Fri Jun 30 2023 22:01:19 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
Category: Quote
Acknowledgements: Rishi Sri Aurobindo
Language: English
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[category Quote, English, Rishi Sri Aurobindo]

Tuesday, 4 July 2023

Northern Nights -Isha Acharya

Northern Nights

Submitted by: Isha Acharya, Grade 4
Submitted on: Fri Jun 30 2023 22:01:19 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
Category: Drawing
Acknowledgements: This is Mine. / Original
Language: English
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[category Drawing, English, This is Mine. / Original]