It is Ganesh Chaturthi and there is no dearth of wishes from people to each other. In this wishing and "wishing the same" there is a learning which is forgotten. A powerful learning, not to be missed to be successful in life, lifelong. The learning comes from a story, which is a "story" to the general reader. To the keen observer, however, the secret is revealed. The story goes like this...
Vyasa wanted to write the Mahabharata, but knew that this was not a single-man effort. To complete it, he would need someone to write it, while he narrates. And for this he thought none fit other than Ganesha himself.
Towards this purpose, he approached Ganesha and requested him to write the Mahabharata while he narrates it.
At this stage, Ganesha imposed a precondition that he would do so only if Vyasa would narrate the story "without a pause". Vyasa agrees but sets a counter-condition - that Ganesha understand what he recites first, "before" transcribing them. And Ganesha agrees.
And so the Mahabharata was written. It is said that while Vyasa narrated, he would be full chapters ahead, while Ganesha would sit thinking on the meaning of what he heard before he transcribed (wrote) it.
The story ends.
To the keen observer though, the secret to success is revealed. It is short, simple and yet powerful.
It is this:
Apply thy power of "understanding before the action" is done.
Try to understand, hone the skills to understand, improve your knowledge to understand. Understand before you take decisions. Understand before you write the exams. Understand before teaching others. Understand before writing down anything. Understand before undertaking the works. And so on... apply this principle everywhere and you are sure to be successful in life. So, if you understand before you do anything, you are automatically invoking the principle of Ganesha - the Lord of Success.
-हरेकृष्ण आचार्य
Photo By: Internet
Submitted by: हरेकृष्ण आचार्य
Submitted on: Fri Nov 09 2018 06:37:22 GMT+0530 (IST)
Category: Original
Language: English
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