Once upon a time there was a little boy named Kulli.
He ate his breakfast and went to play with his friends. When he came back home he saw a door.
He wondered: "What is behind the door?."
He opened the door and he saw a bathroom. He closed the door and thought that this is a bathroom.
Then he simply said "Circus" and he heard some sound behind the door. When he opened the door he saw a Circus! He was amazed.
Then he ate his lunch and went to play again.
When he came back home, he opened the door again. This time he saw a Bedroom! He wondered: "What is happening with me?".
Then again he said "Circus" and opened the door and saw a Circus!
He understood, then, that he got what he wanted behind the door just by saying it.
He was so happy that he danced the whole day long.
Amy Chakravarty
Grade II
Submitted by: Amy
Submitted on: Thu Nov 03 2022 20:36:42 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
Category: Story
Acknowledgements: This is Mine. / Original
Language: English
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[category Story, English, This is Mine. / Original]