The universe is awesome
but no one gazes up.
The human body is awesome
but all say yuck!
Mathematics is the queen of all sciences
no one dare touch the queen!
God is great, yes,
but no one follows as His being.
There are so many fruits on a tree
all are yet unripe to eat.
But once they sweeten, ripen and fall,
them, we dont eat!
We talk of hunger,
work ourselves to death
for money,
to buy.
But do not plant a fruit tree,
nor even a plant.
We even waste
what God put in our plate!
Action not in due time
causes all the trouble
that man bears,
cursing God himself.
But all that man needs to do,
is to act when there is still time.
-23-Aug-2019. 1.24pm. Mississauga.
Submitted by: Harekrishna
Submitted on: Tue Apr 19 2022 20:56:09 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
Category: Poem
Acknowledgements: This is Mine. / Original
Language: English
Search Tags: a poem on man, psychology of man, universe mathematics and man, the fruits on trees, the fallen fruits, cursing God
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[category Poem, English, This is Mine. / Original]